Jingjing Lin is currently a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI, University of Lugano). Under the supervision of Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni, she focuses her research interests mainly on eLearning in hospitality and tourism, in particular within the area of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses).
Raised up in China, Jingjing received her bachelor degree in the area of management from the Harbin Engineering University, China. Afterwards, she moved to Hong Kong for master programme study specializing in eLearning. In the following four years after her graduation from The University of Hong Kong (HKU), she continued to serve in the Hong Kong communities by contributing in various projects closely related to eLearning in both the industry sectors and the local universities.
Jingjing is also a researcher at webatelier.net. Besides, as part of the service team in the eLearning Lab (eLab) at USI, she carries duties including instructional design, courseware development, LMS management and tutoring tasks for first pilot MOOCs developed by the Faculty of Communication Sciences.
Research Interest: MOOCs (massive open online courses); eLearning in hospitality and tourism; blended learning; 21st century skills; life-long learning; informal learning; self-regulated learning; adult education
View Jingjing‘s profile on USI website.
Some Recent Work:
MOOCs Platforms Panoramic (Download) – Presented in the Third SIG Meeting in Zurich, Switzerland
MOOCs Platforms Panoramic by Jingjing Lin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://www.elearning4tourism.com.