3rd International Conference on Tourism Management and Tourism Related Issues

LOCATION  Barcelona, Spain Citilab Cornellà Pl. Can Suris 08940 Cornellà

DATE October 3, 2013

Best articles from the workshop are fully available for the download online.




The impact of digital technologies on the development and evolution of the tourism and hospitality industry has been widely acknowledged as one of the main transformations in the last decade. Nevertheless, there has been limited focus on the part of the academic community in studying and evaluating the role new media technologies play as educational tools in the tourism and hospitality field. The aim of this track is to promote new theoretical and empirical research on the use of information and communication technologies for training activities in the hospitality and tourism sector. A more explicit recognition of the role digital technologies play in the training process within the industry could offer new and exciting directions for research and may help better understand the actual needs of the market in order to enhance qualifications within the tourism sector.



09.00 – 10.45 Welcome and Plenary Session of the Conference
10.45 – 11.15 Coffee break
11.15 – 12.45 Independent Online Training Offers
Session chair: prof. Oriol Miralbell
Independent eLearning offers in tourism and hospitality. Looking for quality indicators
– Maurizio De Rose, Elena Marchiori, Nadzeya Kalbaska, Lorenzo Cantoni
The Google online marketing challenge: real experiential learning
– Jamie Murphy
e-heritage and e-museums in Spain: “Not for Learning”
– Heredina Fernandez Betancort, Mikel Asensio

12.45 – 14.00 Lunch break

14.00 – 16.00 eLearning use by academic institutions
Session chair: prof. Lorenzo Cantoni
Digital technologies and foreign language learning in tourism studies
– Montserrat Iglesias Xamani
Social media and online learning: blogs
– Jamie Murphy, Aylie Bunarta
Strategic revenue management towards widening access to university education
– Kate Varini, George Roberts
Introducing augmented reality in cultural heritage studies
– Luis Villarejo, Francesc González Reverté, Oriol Miralbell, Joan Miquel Gomis

16.00 – 16.30 Coffee break

16.30 – 18.30 eLearning use by tourism destinations and within hospitality and tourism industry
Session chairs: prof. Jamie Murphy and Nadzeya Kalbaska
National tourism organizations’ online training offers and travel agents’ perception and motivations
– Nadzeya Kalbaska
eLearning on tourism destinations. The case of Ticino Switzerland Travel Specialist course
– Asta Adukaite, Nadzeya Kalbaska, Lorenzo Cantoni
Online social networks. An innovative path for social learning in tourism
– Oriol Miralbell
Crowdsourcing in the hotel industry: Innovative training on a budget
– Richard Brendan, Will Perry

Wrap-up of Special Track – “Considerations in Developing and Delivering Hospitality and Tourism MOOCs”
Moderator: prof. Jamie Murphy



After the workshop, the best papers will be invited for submission to ELC Research Paper Series.



For conference registration, accommodation and transportation details, please contact conference organizers.



  • Lorenzo Cantoni Professor, Dean, Faculty of Communication Sciences Università della Svizzera italiana Lugano, Switzerland Email:
  • Oriol Miralbell Professor, Department of Economy and Business Studies Open University of Catalonia Barcelona, Spain Email:
  • Nadzeya Kalbaska PhD Candidate, Faculty of Communication Sciences Università della Svizzera italiana Lugano, Switzerland Email: